Mail2Pay's Privacy and security


Mail2Pay is a service offered by:
Betrust N.V.
Helenboslaan 30
2630 Aartselaar

Personal data processing objectives

Betrust N.V is concerned about respecting privacy when you visit our website and aware of the importance attached to this. To this end, we do everything possible to respect your privacy when the website is visited Betrust N.V only collects personal details (such as first name, surname, postal address and e-mail address) that you have personally transmitted to us. This information is used to provide you with the service or requested information. If the need arises, we will send you, with your permission, commercial messages relating to special promotions and new products. You will always have the opportunity to let us know if you do not want to receive such commercial messages.

Persons with access to collected personal data

The personal information communicated byyou by means of forms are stored in Betrust N.V files. Betrust N.V resorts to other companies to carry out certain tasks (for example, technical maintenance of our websites, assistance during promotional campaigns, etc.). These companies only have limited access to your personal details to be able to carry out their assignment. Betrust N.V will not sell or transmit your personal details to third parties.

Betrust N.V reserves the right to use your personal data or to publish them if the law requires it to do so, if required in order to safeguard the integrity of the website, to access your request, or to comply with legal proceedings or a matter relating to public order.

Your rights concerning personal data collected by us

In accordance with the law of 8 December 1992 regarding the protection of privacy, as modified by the law of 11 December 1998 regarding the processing of personal data, you have the right to access your data, to modify them as indicated below and to consult the register held by the Commission for the Protection of Privacy.

You can always modify your personal data on the website.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are items of information that a website transmits to the hard disc of an individual visitor to a website for registration purposes. Cookies enable the website to store information which can considerably facilitate use of the website. Betrust N.V  uses cookies to make your online experience more pleasant. For example, a cookie is used to register your choice of language so that for your next visit, the language of your choice will automatically appear on the screen. The use of the SMS service on this website is also controlled by cookies. If you do not want to receive any cookies or if you would like to be warned by your browser when a cookie is sent, you can consult the "help" section of the browser. If you refuse all cookies, some parts of the website may no longer be accessible. Pages consulted on the website are registered. We use anonymous information provided by this registration to improve the quality of our website.

Links to other sites

If you are offered links to other sites, these are for informative purposes only. You are advised to carefully read the wording of other sites' privacy stipulations. Betrust N.V cannot be held responsible for site content or for the practices of the owners or operators of these sites.


In case of difference between the English and Dutch version of this text, the Dutch version always overrules.